Nexus Raven 是一个专为函数调用任务设计的 130 亿参数模型。
更新到 NexusRaven-V2,该模型是更新后的开源且具有商业可行性的函数调用模型
- 多功能函数调用能力:能够在许多具有挑战性的情况下生成单个函数调用、嵌套调用和并行调用。
- 完全可解释性:能够为其生成的函数调用生成非常详细的解释。此行为可以关闭,以在推理期间节省令牌。
- 性能亮点:在涉及嵌套和复合函数的人工生成用例中,函数调用成功率比 GPT-4 高出 7% 以上。
- 对未见数据的泛化:从未在评估中使用的函数上进行过训练。
- 商业许可:训练不涉及任何由 GPT-4 等专有 LLM 生成的。在商业应用程序中部署模型时,您可以完全控制模型。
def get_weather_data(coordinates):
Fetches weather data from the Open-Meteo API for the given latitude and longitude.
coordinates (tuple): The latitude of the location.
float: The current temperature in the coordinates you've asked for
def get_coordinates_from_city(city_name):
Fetches the latitude and longitude of a given city name using the Maps.co Geocoding API.
city_name (str): The name of the city.
tuple: The latitude and longitude of the city.
User Query: {query}<human_end>
Call: get_weather_data(coordinates=get_coordinates_from_city(city_name='Seattle'))<bot_end>
Thought: The function call `get_weather_data(coordinates=get_coordinates_from_city(city_name='Seattle'))` answers the question "What's the weather like in Seattle right now?" by following these steps:
1. `get_coordinates_from_city(city_name='Seattle')`: This function call fetches the latitude and longitude of the city "Seattle" using the Maps.co Geocoding API.
2. `get_weather_data(coordinates=...)`: This function call fetches the current weather data for the coordinates returned by the previous function call.
Therefore, the function call `get_weather_data(coordinates=get_coordinates_from_city(city_name='Seattle'))` answers the question "What's the weather like in Seattle right now?" by first fetching the coordinates of the city "Seattle" and then fetching the current weather data for those coordinates.